Sachar Coaching Solutions: A Partner in Your Success

At my coaching practice, I work with clients who lead and work at small businesses and non-profits, at a variety of levels from founders and CEOs to mid-level professionals. As someone with extensive experience managing teams and programs and organizations overall, I understand the unique challenges that come with leadership and other roles in these settings. My goal is to help my clients navigate those challenges with confidence and develop the skills they need to succeed.

My coaching is highly personalized and tailored to each client's individual needs and goals, including taking into account your own leadership values and approaches and the idiosyncracies of the organization you lead or work for. Whether you want to set (and stick with) priorities, analyze business trends (incuding P & Ls and ROI), troubleshoot issues, improve communication, address complex team dynamics, or in the case of a non-profit, strategize about working with your board, I'll partner with you to develop a plan of action that's right for you. Then, we will collaborate as you set forth to implement your ideas and plans.

My focus always is on helping you refine and achieve your goals and succeed. Together, we'll identify areas for growth and improvement, and develop actionable strategies that you can implement right away. If you're feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, I'm here to help you gain clarity and confidence, and move forward with purpose.

I have an unofficial case of professional ADHD. I bounce around from interest to interest and often lose momentum on projects when I get bogged down in the unexciting details. Meeting with Sally took me from a tangled mess of ideas to clear and distinct goals. She ordered my priorities with me and helped me get a clear focus for my efforts. I loved the way our meetings would end with a document spelling out what my next steps would be. Sally's no nonsense, yet winsome charm left me feeling affirmed and cared for even when she'd needed to talk sense into me. Sally helped me discern what I wanted MOST and then helped me walk out the steps to make those things happen.

With Sally's support and guidance, I have been able to grow my practice, expand my horizons, and move towards creating a whole new business.

You have been an anchor, a resource, a champion, an organizer, a problem-solver, a storyteller, a team player, a big picture thinker, a stellar human, a beautiful spirit, and a wonderful soul.

I wanted to say again a HUGE THANK YOU. You have been such a wonderful support to me in my work across the years on many levels and I have truly appreciated your support and wisdom.

I’ve learned and grown so much because of your support.

Knowing you are there is so reassuring and has brought me so much calm. You are a sage, full of wisdom and guidance intended to help others feel into their best selves.

I continue to be amazed at the insights and resources Sally brings to her leadership coaching with me. From introducing me to an amazing system to track, organize and accomplish key goals in setting our operation up for success to teasing out the nuances in critical business decisions, she brings creativity, depth, and seasoned wisdom to our consultations. At times she has pulled me back from an edge, and at other moments nudged me toward a personal or professional frontier. She’s a skillful cheerleader and my most valued advisor.

Sally coaches with integrity and compassion. She listens, (and hears!)  as she guides you through your process of becoming clearer on where you want to go and helping you to identify your hurdles. Together with you, she helps to lay out a strategy on how to get there, breaking it down into manageable steps. When you stray a bit off course, she gently brings you back to focus as she never loses sight of the plan.

Working with Sally is not only a pleasure, but a source of comfort when needed and of strength to persevere.

Sally provides a safe and impartial space to work through the challenges in the workplace.  She is empathic and validates my experiences without passing judgement. She challenges me to recognize that I can only control my actions and provides me with strategies to navigate my relationships within my organization.