Case Study: Engagement with a Concierge Medical Practice in Suburban Chicago

Sachar Solutions has the pleasure of partnering with Forward Focus Concierge Medical,  a concierge internal medicine practice in Lake Forest, IL, to help them accommodate their growth while preserving their deeply rooted commitment to high-quality and personalized patient care. In Phase 1 of the project, we worked closely with the physician, nursing and patient support staff, conducting one-on-one interviews and surveys to understand the practice's unique approach to medical care and gather ideas for enhancing their capacity. By listening to the team's insights and suggestions, we were able to identify the practice's strengths and leverage them to propose changes that would enhance the deep engagement they have with their patients. 

In Phase II, we are proud to be helping the team transition to the changes and creating a feedback loop to collect valuable insights and suggestions from everyone involved. Our goal is to ensure that the practice continues to thrive while maintaining its special connection with its patients.

Quote from Dr. Gary Schaffel, Founder: Thank you so much.  Your evaluation was very comprehensive and thoughtful.  It helps to have an outside look to reinforce what we need to do.  I am confident that with your help we can preserve our special sauce as we grow.  Looking forward to our next steps!

Quote from Marti Greenberg, Special Project Coordinator: We are very grateful to have Sally’s strong analytical skills, her broad depth of knowledge, results focus, and a welcoming and non-threatening interpersonal style to help guide us during this time of transition.  Glad she will be sticking around to help us through Phase II.